30 Second Stranger project

I started a new project yesterday April 5 2011. The objective of the project is to photograph portraits of strangers I meet on the street. Asking people on the street if they would allow me to take a portrait, just the way they are at that moment. Mostly of the time the whole process takes about 30 seconds.

This is the first image in that series.
30s Stranger - Calgary
f5.66 - 1/125 - ISO400 - No Flash
Gratitude - Thanks Bud

Here is the Flickr link

30 Seconds
This is the challenge:
Normally, when shooting portraits in a studios session, the result always turns out to be perfect. Make-Up, hair, light, environment, everything is taken care of to product a fantastic image.

So, my challenge is to make a "sort-of-studios session" portrait in just 30 seconds or less.
No hair-change, no make-up, no flash, only in natural light, as seen on the street at the time. In post-production I do a final treatment to make the image to my desires. (frame, colors, contrast).

The inspiration for this project comes from one of my Flickr contacts.

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