Mixed Metaphors and Consignment sale

Yesterday was a good day. My eyes didn't give me any static and I was able to complete my new web site. There is more content to put up, but the main concept is down and functional.

Blogging is very new to me as you can probably tell. After all I'm a visual artist not a writer (lol). This practice does however offer an outlet to express a number of thoughts that are not appropriate to the web site. For some reason we (westerners) don't seem to want to mix business and personal stuff. I agree with that to a point. But think about this for a moment;

The concept of helping artists promote their work by selling it for a small free, say for argument 25 - 30% of the total selling price. Because business is business the shop owner or gallery must also look after their
business as well (i.e. their clients needs - the community at large). That collective voice says 'I like grain elevators and Buffalo in my paintings'. Well, the poor artists that is very talented in the abstracts would not have a chance now would they.

Is the community better off? I think not! It is the arts that we get our sense of style, purpose and place from, not the Taxation Department(in the form of a a right-offs). So here's the rub. This is the place where private studios comes in, either online or on the street with a civic address (clap hands end of problem).

Not so fast! How about the young artists, the ones with no money, place and few canvases. Is this not the start of where this little story began? We have probably lost a great many artists to not so great jobs over the years. Does civilization suffer? On the surface probably not, in the long term I think yes. We call them 'Old Soles', the young jaw dropping singers and the like, that seem to come out of nowhere. They have brought their talents from past lives. That is clear so help them out next time you see or hear one.

Well the should last you awhile (lol)and I feel much better now as well. ;)

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